There are lots of ways to practice and learn Hypnotherapy, but the style that resonated with me most was Mike Mandel and Neo-Erickson’ style of Hypnosis. This encompasses both direct and indirect conversational style Hypnosis.
This type of hypnosis technique taught by master hypnotist Mike Mandel incorporate both Milton Erickson’s popular psychotherapy methods and Mike’s forty years of invaluable hypnotherapy and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) experience. It is powerfully effective in dealing with all types of psychosomatic issues and symptoms, using various methods of direct and indirect (conversational) hypnosis.
I am also fortunate to train with the Freddy and Anthony Jacquin Academy, I really enjoy both styles and they fully compliment each other. Mike Mandel deems Freddy Jacquin the best hypnotist in the world!
Here are a few things that are part of the Neo-Erickson and The Jacquin Academy. To be effective you must be at threshold.
Are you at the point where you realise your behaviour is holding you back and, are you ready to change that? Being at threshold is desiring change within yourself. If you try to change because others such as a spouse, friends and colleagues push you, then you are not at threshold. It is you who really must want and desire the change and improvement in your life.
Direct Method
I use the direct method of communication with the unconscious mind as it allows incorporation of positive suggestions successfully. This is really good for you if you have an analytical mind.
Indirect (Conversational) Method
Developed by the famous hypnotist Milton Erickson, conversational hypnosis engages both your conscious and unconscious mind with story telling and metaphors. While the conscious mind listens to the story the message of healing and change are subliminally received by your unconscious mind. You will start noticing the difference sometimes right away or a little later on.