Meet Anna Grey

I’m so glad you found your way here.
I’m Anna Grey, founder of The Change Room.

I am a Hypnotist/Reiki Healer – Level 2 using a combination of
Mike Mandel’s and Milton Erickson’s Methods, along with three types of Reiki,
being Usui, Tera Mai and Seichem, which you can read more about here.

I am Scottish, originally from a small coal mining village nine miles south of Edinburgh.

My journey took me south of the border to Lancashire, where I am now married and settled into life as a therapist.

Caring and helping is all I ever wanted to do, and I have been fortunate to have been a Nurse in Emergency Care for almost 40 years. I’ve always been intrigued by the mind and different therapies; I have cared for patients who have seen great change and comfort from other modalities, as I have myself.

I worked in Emergency Care through COVID-19 and lost two family members; it was tough, and I saw the grief-stricken patients and their families. I was struggling, and a friend suggested visiting a Hypnotherapist …… and the rest, as they say, is history.

Hypnosis and Reiki keep me grounded, and I am so excited to help others with these modalities.